Eric McCready and Malte Zimmermann. Discourse Particles

The course gives a basic introduction into the empirical phenomenon of discourse particles and their semantic analysis. Focussing mainly on epistemic discourse particles in German/Dutch, Japanese, and English, we discuss the meaning contribution of such particles, as well as looking at previous (discourse-) semantic analyses of individual particles as illocutionary operators, presupposition triggers, or in terms of expressive meaning, respectively (Thurmair 1989, Jacobs 1991, Kratzer 1999, Zimmermann 2008, to appear, Potts 2007, McCready 2005, 2008). We will also provide discussion of an expressive intensifier in English (sentence-initial ‘man’; McCready 2008). We also briefly consider how the meaning of certain discourse particles is expressed in languages like English which lack particles with a wide range of semantic functions.

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